Photolightning is currently available for Windows 7/Vista/XP/2K/ME/98. We currently don't have a Mac version available, but may in the future if there is enough demand.
Photolightning has listed frequently asked questions and their answers below.
Technical Support FAQs
What is the most recent version of Photolightning?
Version 5.51 (This is a paid
upgrade for owners of version 4.x and 3.x).
To determine what version you are using, select
About Photolightning from the Help
menu. To update your copy of Photolightning
to the latest version, simply download the
latest installer from the Try
It link above, and then run the installer
to install over your previous version. There
is no need to uninstall the previous version
of Photolightning. Click here
for more detailed instructions.
If you are looking for the
last version of the Photolightning 3.x software,
you may download it here.
If you are looking for the
last version of the Photolightning 4.x software,
you may download it here.
Why didn't I get my serial number after I purchased?
When you purchase you should get a confirmation email with a license keycode to unlock your 30-day trial copy. If you did not, please
us with your order number and we will send it to you immediately.
Now that I paid for the software, how do I download it?
If you have already downloaded the trial version, just enter your license keycode to unlock it. If you have not downloaded it yet, do so and then enter your license keycode.
Now that I paid for the software, how do I enter the serial number?
Start the Photolightning software and on the splash screen, press the Unlock button. Enter your name, company (optional), and the license keycode, then press the Unlock button at the bottom of the window.
How do I upgrade to the latest version of Photolightning?
Download the new version by clicking
on one of the blue buttons on the download
page. This will save a file on your computer
called PhotolightningSetup.exe. Please note
where you have saved it as you will need to
run this file when the download has completed.
To finish the upgrade, double click on PhotolightningSetup.exe
and follow the prompts to install the new
version. DO NOT uninstall the old version
unless you have written down your license
code as uninstalling Photolightning will erase
your license code from your computer. You
can find your license code by selecting About
Photolightning from Photolightning's Help
Photolightning is not detecting my camera/memory card
Photolightning's Autodetect program regularly searches on all of the drives (other than C) recognized by your computer for folders at the root level called DCIM. If it finds a folder called DCIM, it then looks to see if there are any photo files in subfolders of the DCIM folder. If it finds photos there, then it launches Photolightning. If it doesn't find photos, then it ignores the folder and continues scanning.
To see if your camera/memory card is recognized by your computer as a disk drive, go to your desktop, and double click on your My Computer icon. You should see all of the disk drives recognized by your computer. Photolightning requires that your camera/memory card have a drive letter associated with it. If it does not have a drive letter, then Photolightning will not be able to automatically detect your memory card. (For example, some cameras, such as certain cameras from Canon, are recognized by the computer as imaging devices versus disk drives. They have icon, but no drive letter.)
Outlook Express suddenly won't let me change the subject or the destination email address. What happened?
This is a new issue that
is caused by installing the Outlook Express
Patch #911567. This patch prevents saved but
unsent message eml files from being opened
as unsent messages. Instead, they open as
sent messages and cannot be resent. (This
is an error that Microsoft inadvertently introduced.)
This change breaks behavior that many have
relied upon since Outlook Express 4.0. Click
to go to the Microsoft web site and learn
how to fix this problem manually or download
the latest version of Photolightning here.
What are the system requirements?
- Windows 10/8/7/Vista/XP/2K/ME/98
- Pentium II 300 MHz recommended
- 128 MB RAM minimum
- 10 MB hard disk space
Support Contact Information
If you would like to contact technical support directly, please email us at
. Please remember to include the information below when you submit questions to technical support:
- Operating system version (Windows 98, Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, etc.)
- Amount of RAM in your computer
- Camera brand and model
- Printer brand and model